Fish replicas near me

February 22, 2024
Views: 41
Id: 34562

Fish replicas near me - This 75 inch white marlin half mount is part of our half sided series. This white marlin half sided fish replica makes a perfect sized decor piece.

For 23 years Mount This Fish Company has pushed the fish mount industry to higher standards including quality customer service, fair pricing and faster turnaround times. We take pride in producing high-quality fish mounts that can be customized to your exact specifications of a particular catch or used for interior and exterior decor in home or commercial locations. With our 100% Money Back Guarantee, your satisfaction is our top priority.

Well, to be blunt, there really isn't much difference. The terms "Fish Mounts" and "Fish mount replicas" get used pretty often when describing the same types of fish reproduction products. Traditionally the terms "fish mount" and "fish replica" were used in reference to true taxidermy where a taxidermist preserves the skin of a fish and mounts it onto a form to produce a fish mount. Thanks to the evolution of the fiberglass fish mount process anglers have the option to choose to conservatively release their catch or to harvest their catch and still commemorate with a custom produced fish replica. The development of the half sided fish replica has also spawned more affordable fish mounts used primarily for home and office decor, adding coastal flair to any interior or exterior space.

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